OWL Target Language Audio
Save Time with OWL's Target Language Audio Feature
Users who employ the OWL Test Management System for World Language assessments find the target audio language feature particularly powerful. It means that, for a particular proficiency level, they can create one SOPI-like assessment (simulated oral proficiency interview) to evaluate performance across multiple languages.
Harness the Power of Online Exam Building
Save Valuable Test Building Time
Standardize Testing across Multiple World Languages
Gain Comparable Data to Evaluate Programs

How does it work?
Each online question you create in the OWL Test Management System can have many target language audio files attached. By target language, we mean the language that the student is learning. So if your school has world language classes in let's say: Spanish, French, German, and Japanese; each of your test items would have four (4) target audio files attached. When it is time to assign the test to a particular class, for example students learning to speak French, the language setting on the assignment is set to "French". When those students take their French exam they will hear the French prompt played. The very same test can be assigned to students learning to speak another language, like German. The German assignment is set to “German” and class will hear the German audio file played.