OWL Test Taker Help
OWL cannot help individual test takers
with specific issues.
Please contact the person who assigned your test,
your proctor, or your invigilator.
Additional Help for Examinees
My Current Assignments
Only OWL activities that are currently open/active will appear in this list.
This is the landing page for users who have multiple assignments in OWL.
One-time users are generally launched directly into their online activity on login.
To view the page, select My Current Assignments from the Testing menu
To launch an assignment, click the clipboard icon
Field Definitions
Clipboard - To start an assignment the student clicks the clipboard icon
Unavailable - The circle slash indicates that the assignment is no longer available. This icon may appear if the user has begun the Assignment, and the Activity is currently open, or the student user has completed the Assignment
This is the title of the Assignment.
Tracking Number
This is a unique identifier automatically assigned by OWL.
This field shows the Title of the Activity that is assigned. If no Title was given when this Activity was created, then this field may read "My Test"
If this is a language-based assessment. This field may show the target language that the Assignment will assess.
Name of the OWL User who created the assignment.
This is the deadline (date and time) for the Assignment to be completed. When the deadline expires, the Assignment will no longer be made available to the Student/Candidate and it will be removed from this list.
Yes/No Indicates if this activity may be completed and repeated more than once.
Shows the status of the Assignment. The possible values are:
Activity Ready - The Assignment is ready for the test taker to begin.
Activity in Progress - The examinee has begun the Assignment, and testing is in progress.
Ready to be rated - Assignment has been completed and no rating has been given.
Rating Final - Assignment has been completed and the results have been published. Once an assignment has been completed, the Student/Candidate can see their results by visiting the My Completed Assignments Page
My Completed Assignments
To view the page, select My Completed Assignments from the Testing menu.
The examinee may view their results by clicking on the info icon in the leftmost column.
This info icon will only be active for the exam if the ratings are final and published by the administrator or instructor.
Field Definitions
If the test's rating has been finalized and published, the test taker may be allowed to view specific details about their test (see 2 above). '
This icon is lighter (shown in 3 above) to indicate that the rating details for the assignment are not available.
The Assignment Title
Tracking #
Every Assignment in OWL will be automatically assigned a unique Tracking Number.
The OWL title of the test, quiz or activity that is assigned.
If this is a language-based assessment. This field will show the target language that the Assignment will assess.
Name of the User who assigned the Activity.
The date and time the student user completed the Assignment.
Yes/No field to denotes whether this test was set for practice.
If the rating the has been finalized and published, the Rating or Grade will be listed in this column. If the the rating has not been finalized and published, then no rating will be listed here. Instead, the phrase, "Not Available" will be displayed.
Pre-test Checklist
Don't have a bunch of stuff open on your computer.
THIS ONE IS IMPORTANT! Just to make sure you may want to restart your computer altogether.Close All Open Internet Browser Windows.
WE SAID ALL OF THEM! Yes, that means Chrome, Firefox, Edge, IE, Vivaldi, Torch, Epic, Comodo, Ghost... you get the picture, right?Launch a Fresh New Browsing Session.
Don't just add a new tab on to your current session -- start from scratch.
We recommend using Chrome or Edge in guest mode.
Current System RecommendationsDisable All Plugins.
This can be accomplished in Chrome or Edge by using the "Guest" option.Navigate to Your Test Site.
Use the web address your test administrator gave you.
Psst! That means enter the "https://www... yada, yada, yada" in the bar up at the topLogin with your Username and Password.
If you don't know your username, you must contact your test administrator
That's your teacher, university, certification board, recruiter, etc. Whomever gave you this test to take in the first place. We're sorry, we just don't have this information.Did your OWL online activity Automatically Launch?
If not, don't panic! Simply launch your activity from the My Current Assignments Page.
8. Great Job! You are ready to Start your OWL Online Activity
System Check Assistance
Please Try These Steps or Contact Your Test Administrator for Assistance
Check Your Computer's Speakers/Headset
Can you hear the "ding" when you change the volume level in windows?
Does the computer have speakers?
Is the headset cord plugged into the correct jack?
Is the speaker volume low or set to 0?
Check Your Computer's Microphone?
Does the computer have a microphone?
Is it plugged in correctly?
Is the microphone muted?
Are you sharing the wrong mic?
Is there other audio software hijacking the mic?
Is Skype hijacking the mic?
Test your computer using the Windows Voice Recorder App on your computer. If this doesn't work, something is wrong with your computer.
Check your Browser
Login to Your OWL Account
Go to the Tools Menu and select Device Check
A dialog box should appear in the upper left corner of the browser.
If it does not appear automatically, click on the grey microphone icon.
Be sure to select correct the proper microphone option.
Check "Remember this decision" and Click "Allow"
Once the microphone is enabled, the microphone icon should turn from grey to red and you should have an icon at the top center of your screen.
Check your Firewall
A much less likely problem is a Firewall issue between the server and the client.Be sure to turn off "Exclusive Control" of your microphone by other application
Go to Windows Settings, by clicking the gear from the start menu
Select the System settings
Select Sound from the left menu
Click Device properties under Input
Click on the Advanced tab
Uncheck the boxes under Exclusive Mode
Registration Code FAQs
Please Contact Your Test Administrator for Assistance
Why am I being asked to Log In when I don't have an account?
You may have clicked the wrong button. Please go back to the original registration page and click the Create (2) Button. If there is no create button, the code you are using is only for existing OWL users.
Why am I being asked to Create an account when I already have one?
Please go back to the original registration page and click the Log In (1) Button. If there is no Log In button, the code you are using is only for new users.
What is my username?
Typically your username is your email address. If you still do not know your OWL Username, please contact your Test Administrator.
What is my password?
Does the link you are using start with "https://hosted.owlts.com"? If so, you can use this link OWL Password Reset.
Otherwise, please contact your test administrator.
Why is nothing happening when I click the Register button?
You may have not completed all the required registration fields. Please complete all fields with a red asterisk (*).
Why did I get "Failure: Username is in use." message?
There is another account in the OWL Test Management System with that username We recommend using your email address to ensure a unique username. If you are using your email address and seeing this message then:
Carefully check that you have correctly typed your email address.
You may have taken an online test at another institution using OWL.
Contact your Test Administrator to request a unique username.
Why did I get the message "Please accept the terms of service to continue."
It is important to comply with regulations that you agree to the terms of service and understand the OWL Privacy Policy before setting up your new account.
What does "Invalid code." mean?
The system does not recognize the code you have entered. Please double check the code you are entering and try again.
Why did I receive the message "Registration limit reached."?
You are attempting to a code that has already been used. Please contact your Test Administrator for a new code.
What does "Code is No Longer Active" mean?
You are attempting to use a code that has been disabled. Contact your Test Administrator for an active code.
Safe Exam Browser (SEB)
Please Try These Steps or Contact Your Test Administrator for Assistance
STEP 1: Download and Install Safe Exam Browser
CLICK HERE and follow the directions on the Safe Exam Browser website to install the application.
STEP 2: Save the file provided by your Test administrator to your computer's desktop
STEP 3: Double Click on the File from Step 2 to Login to the OWL Test Management System and Launch your online test.
Tips for Proctored Sessions
Please Try These Steps or Contact Your Test Administrator for Assistance
The proctoring circle can be moved to another location on your screen if it obscures your online exam.
There is a proctor monitoring circle in the bottom left of the screen.
Be sure that your face is not obscured and well-lit.
Limit light sources behind or on the side of the camera.
Make sure that your face stays in front of the camera during the entire process.
The browser window should be extended to the entire screen.
Other FAQs
Please Contact Your Test Administrator for Additional Assistance
Who do I call for help?
Please contact your Test Administrator. Please do NOT contact OWL Testing Software directly. OWL cannot help you with setting up an account.
Who is my Test Administrator?
Your "Test Administrator" is usually the person who gave you the registration link you are attempting to use. If you received the registration link/code in an email, that is a good place to look for contact information. Some common examples of OWL Test Administrators are:
Employment Recruiter
University Admissions Officer
Certification Board Contact
Teacher, Professor or Instructor
Computer Center Administrator
Testing Center Proctor
How do I start my test?
In most cases, your OWL online activity will automatically launch when you login to OWL.
If you have more than one active assignment in OWL:
Go to Testing menu>> My Current Assignments.
Click on the Clipboard icon to the left of the assignment you want to launch
If the icon is not active, your assignment is not available at this time.
How do I restart my test?
You may be able to log back into OWL and and start where you left off.
If not, the person who assigned you the test or your proctor can reset it for you.
OWL cannot help individual test takers with test resets.
Why can't I see my results?
For results to be available, they must be published by the person who assigned you the test.
If your results are not available and you believe this is an error, contact your administrator or instructor.
Otherwise revisit the My Completed Assignments page again later.