Running Reports

How to Access Scores, Assessments, and Response Data.


Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Go to the Reporting Menu >> Reports

  2. Click to launch the desired report

  3. When the report runner launches do the following:

    1. Give your report a name (optional)

    2. Choose the Response Date Range and the Assessment Date Range

      • Leave these fields blank to select them for all time

      • Use the start date field to run everything after a certain date

      • Use the end date field to run everything before a certain date

    3. Select the Assessment Status

    4. Open the Selection Window and choose the assignments for the report

    5. Click Run, or Save if you would like to create a Query

  4. To download the csv file, go to the Reporting Menu >> Report Results

  5. Click on the desired download link

NOTE: OWL Report Results are maintained for download for 60 days.

Running Queries

How to run frequently used inquiries.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Go to the Reporting Menu >> Queries

  2. Click the Checkbox to select the desired query

  3. Click Run

  4. To download the csv file, go to the Reporting Menu >> Report Results

Assessment Reports

Test Scores Chart

  • This report runs in the browser window

  • Displays the distribution of test scores by assignment.

  • Shows the count of students at each percentage level of performance

  • Can be exported to certain common formats

test scores distribution chart

Scores Reporting

Test Scores - (csv) Test-level numeric scores

Section Scores - (csv) Section-level numeric scores.

Item Scores - (csv) Item-level numeric scores.

Rubric Ratings Reports

Test Rubric Ratings - (csv) For Tests that have a rubric attached to the Test.

Section Rubric Ratings - (csv) For Tests that have rubric(s) attached to the Section(s).

Item Rubric Ratings - (csv) For Tests that have rubric(s) attached to the Item(s).


These reports generate one line of data per assessment per criterion.

For example:
Test Ratings Report Assessments Final = "No"
No. of Blind Ratings = 2

 2 Ratings per Response
 x 3 Criterion Rows in Rubric
=  6 Rows per Examinee

demo of test ratings report

Results Viewer Report

OWL users with Results Viewer permissions have access to run the Test Results Report.

Running the
Results Report

  1. Go to the Reporting Menu >> Reports

  2. Click on the Results Report to Launch

  3. Select the Date Range of the responses and/or the assessments (optional)

  4. In the popup box select the Assignment(s) for the Report

  5. Click Run

Downloading the Results Report

  1. To download the csv file, go to the Reporting Menu >> Report Jobs

  2. Click on the desired download link

Response Reports

Basic Response Reports

All Responses - (csv) Returns testing and survey responses.

Testing Responses - (csv) Returns testing responses.

Survey Responses - (csv) Returns survey responses.

A single examinee's response will generate multiple rows.

Each row represents a single (sub)element on the test.

In this example, each response will generate 16 rows (4 MC Items, each with 4 Options)

Pivoted Response Reports

All Responses - Pivoted - Returns testing and survey responses, pivoted on examinee.

Testing Responses - Pivoted - Returns testing responses, pivoted on examinee response.

Survey Responses - Pivoted - Returns survey responses, pivoted on examinee response.

Each examinee's response generates a single row.

Each column represents an (sub)element on the test.

pivoted response report example

Special Multiple Choice Reports

Each Row is one examinee's response.

Each multiple choice question is represented by one column.

The intersecting cell contains the number of the option the examinee selected for the question.

Multiple Choice - Pivoted - Returns the number of the selected option.

pivoted multiple choice report example

Each row represents one multiple choice option.

The "selected count" column contains the number of times the option was selected.

Multiple Choice Statistics - Returns aggregate data on option selection.

PLEASE NOTE: In all above examples, data is displayed using a spreadsheet program with limited formatting. Some rows have been "hidden" for demonstration purposes.

Class Reports

Class Reports produce results for students assigned to a class for all the assignments they have completed in the OWL TMS.

Class Gradebook

  • Shows points scored on all assignments completed by students registered in a class.

  • Students who have been removed from the roster, will not appear on the report.

  • Assignments must be set-up using "Class Assign" to appear on this report.

sample class gradebook report

Class Scores Reports

Generate one line per assignment per student.

Example: Test Scores Report

1 Class
x 20 Students
x 2 Assignments per Student
= 40 Rows

Class Test Scores - (csv) Test-level numeric scores

Class Section Scores - (csv) Section-level numeric scores.

Class Item Scores - (csv) Item-level numeric scores.

Class Rubric Ratings Reports

Class Test Rubric Ratings - (csv) For Tests that have a rubric attached to the Test.

Class Section Rubric Ratings - (csv) For Tests that have rubric(s) attached to the Section(s).

Class Item Rubric Ratings - (csv) For Tests that have rubric(s) attached to the Item(s).


System Reports

Standard System Reports

Incomplete Testing Counts By Assignment - (csv) For the selected assignment(s) the report will return a count of test sessions that remain open. This includes sessions that are in progress AND not yet started.

  • Assignment Name and ID

  • Assignment Start/End Times

  • Counts for: Not Completed, Completed, Total

Incomplete Testing Details By Assignment - (csv) For the selected assignment(s) this report returns details of test sessions that remain open. This includes sessions that are in progress AND not yet started.

  • Assignment Name and ID

  • Assignment Start/End Times

  • Examinee Info

  • Session Status

Section Frequency - (csv) For tests that employee randomization (i.e., picking sections from a set or multi-stage testing) this report shows a count of how many times sections have been delivered to tester takers.

  • Section Name and ID

  • First and Last Delivered Dates/Times

  • Number of Times Delivered

Item Frequency - (csv) For tests that employee randomization (i.e., picking items from a set) this report shows a count of how many times each item has been delivered to tester takers.

  • Item Name and ID

  • First and Last Delivered Dates/Times

  • Number of Times Delivered

Custom System Reports

Additional System Reports are available to certain users based on their individual subscriptions. If you have questions about a specific report that appears under the title of System Reports, please contact your organization’s OWL System Administrator. If you need further assistance contact the OWL Hosting Team at