Admin Imports

How to Import Users

  1. Go To Tools >> Admin Import

  2. Click the Create Button

  3. Click on the EXAMPLE link to download a sample .csv file

  4. Open the .csv file in the program of your choice

  5. Enter your User Information following the Admin Imports User File Details.
    It is important that you DO NOT edit the first row of the file

  6. Save the file as a .csv file to your computer

  7. Click on the Select CSV... Button and choose the file from your computer

  8. Click the Submit button

  9. Check the Admin Imports list page for information about the success of the import

  10. If any of the rows fail, more information can be filed by clicking on the download icon under Detailed Results

IMPORTANT: New users must have unique USERNAMES and SYNC IDS. (i.e., If you upload a new user information with an existing sync id, the former users' information will be overwritten and the new person will be associated with that sync id.)

How to Upload Assignment Files

  1. Go To Tools >> Admin Import

  2. Click the Create Button
    2.1. Click on the Show Assignment Fields box

  3. Click on the EXAMPLE link to download a sample .csv file for the appropriate file

  4. Follow Steps 4 through 10 above using the
    Admin Import Assignment File Details

In most cases it will be more efficient to add your assignment details in the OWL user interface. We only recommend using Administrative import for assignment information if you are working with a large number of assignments at one time.

How to Upload Class Files

  1. Go To Tools >> Admin Import

  2. Click the Create Button

    2.1. Click on the Show Class Fields box

  3. Click on the EXAMPLE link to download a sample .csv file for the appropriate file

  4. Follow Steps 4 through 10 above using the
    Admin Import Class File Details

In most cases it will be more efficient to add classes directly in the OWL user interface. We only recommend using Administrative import for class information if you are working with a large number.

Content Imports

The content import option allows you to upload Tests, Sections or Items that you have previously compressed and exported from OWL into .zip files.

  1. Select Content Import from the Tools Menu.

  2. Click Create

  3. From the Create Content Import popup use the Select button to search for the file on your computer.

  4. Use your computer's file manager to select the .zip file.

  5. The file name will appear in the OWL Create Content Import box. Then press the Import Button to start the upload of your files.

  6. You should receive the following message: "The import job was created."

    • Imports are handled asynchronously so as not to interfere with ongoing student testing.

    • The status of your import is displayed on the Content Imports list page.

    • If you receive a message that your import has failed, you have likely selected a file that is not in a format that can be uploaded to OWL.

  7. Once imported, the content will be available on the appropriate OWL List Page.

content imports

Content Exports

Download tests, sections or items in the form of .zip files.

  1. You must first export the instance from it's list page. In this example: go to Building menu >> Test

  2. Select the desired Test from the list page with the checkbox

  3. Click the Export button

  4. Click on the Exports link in the message that appears in the top right corner of the list page (4), or

  5. Select Content Exports from the Tools Menu

  6. Click on the "Click to download" link for the file you wish to export.

  7. Follow the procedures dictated by the particular browser you are using to save the file to your computer

content exports
content exports

Content Copies

When you use the Copy button on a list page, the status is displayed on this page.

  1. Go to Tools menu >> Content Copies

  2. Refresh the page to get an update of the status

  3. Once complete the copied item will appear in the appropriate list page with the same name and an incremental version number.

tools content copies

Examinee Portfolios

Download .zip files of student portfolios you have already created using the User List Page. You can then distribute files to your students in the manner of your select. (e.g., email, shared drive, etc.)

  1. Portfolios are created under the Admin Menu >> Create Examinee Portfolios

  2. Select Examinee Portfolios from the Tools menu

  3. Download the desired portfolio by clicking on the link in the Download column

  4. To delete items from this list, select them with the checkbox(es) and click the Delete button

Creating Response PDFs

Create and download PDF files of examinee responses. Can be used for archiving or printing purposes.

This is a premium feature.

This video will show you how to create PDF files of your testing responses. This allows you to download printable versions of your test takers' responses to be archived or printed. [Transcript}

Step One: Create the Response PDFs from the Assessment List Page

All Responses for Assignment

  1. Go to Assessment Menu >> Assessment List

  2. Use checkbox to select Assignment

  3. Click Create Response PDF button


For Individual Response(s)

  1. Go to Assessment Menu >> Assessment List

  2. Use control on left to expand Assignment

  3. Use checkbox to select specific response(s)

  4. Click Create Response PDF button

NOTE: Only responses that have a status of “Ready to be rated” or “rating final” will be available for PDF creation.

OWL Assessment List Page

Step Two: Download PDF Files

  1. Go to Tools Menu >> Download PDFs >> PDF Jobs

  2. Click on the download control of the desired response

  3. Responses will either open in a browser tab or download directly to your computer.

OWL PDF Jobs Page

The behavior of downloads is based upon your individual browser settings and is NOT determined by the OWL TMS.

Optional Step: How to Create a Zipped PDF Job

  1. Go to Tools Menu >> Download PDFs >> PDF Jobs

  2. Use the check boxes to select the responses you wish to zip

    HINT: Using the page’s filtering (a) and page size (b) controls can help you better manage this process

  3. Click the Zip button

  4. Go to Tools Menu >> Download PDFs >> Zipped PDF Jobs

  5. Use the download control of the zip job you wish to download

OWL Zipped PDF Jobs Page

Additional Information:

  • Once you have downloaded the zip file. You will need to locate the file on your computer and “extract” the files.

  • This will generate a .pdf file on your computer for each response.

  • Browser-based .pdf readers do not typically allow you to print more than one PDF file at a time. You may want to select a PDF reading software that allows you to select multiple files and send them to the printer at one time.

  • PDF Printing is currently available for the following item types:
    Short Answer, Drop Down, Multiple Choice, Cloze, Essay and Translation.

Device Check

The Device Check menu option under the tools menu launches the same OWL System Check that examinees see in OWL Tester for tests with audio prompts or that require a recorded response.

OWL System Check Help

Your System Info

The Your System Info tool provides information for determining the user’s browser, operating system, etc.

Current System Recommendations

Safe Exam Browser Creator Info

This Tools page is available to OWL Assignment creators.

Save Exam Browser Help

Safe Exam Browser Test Taker Info

This Tools page is available to OWL Test Takers.

Save Exam Browser Test Taker Help

Assignment Notifications

Displays A List of Assignment Notifications

  • Each row represents a notification event trigger and the recipient(s) for a given assignment

  • Page displays all assignment notifications for past, current and future assignments.

  • Page is available to System Administrators and Instructors.

  • Instructors only see those notifications for assignments on which they are the owner.

numbered assignment notifications list page
  1. Go to Tools menu > Assignment Notifications

  2. Use the page controls to filter

  3. To delete an assignment notification, select the entry with the checkbox

  4. Click Delete

Assignment Enrollments

Allows OWL System Administrators to see enrollments on all the Assignment.

Each row represents a single roster entry -- a single user in one role on an assignment roster.


A test taker enrollment cannot be deleted if the examinee has already launched the assignment.

owl assignment enrollments page
  1. Go to Tools menu > Assignment Enrollments

  2. Use the page controls to filter

  3. and sort the page as needed

  4. To remove an assignment enrollment, select the entry with the checkbox

  5. Click Delete

Class Enrollments

System Admins can see all users on the roster of any classes.

Each row represents a single roster entry -- a single user in one role (student, instructor, proctor) on a class roster.

owl class enrollments page
  1. Go to Tools menu > Class Enrollments

  2. Use the page controls to Filter

  3. and Sort the page as needed by clicking on the column headers

  4. To remove an class enrollment, select the entry with the Checkbox

  5. Click Delete

Registration Targets

A List Page of all Registrations and their Target

This page is available to System Administrators

Each row represents a single Registration.

The Columns indicate:

  • The Assignment or Domain that the registration is used for, and

  • The Types of OWL users accounts being created and/or added to the Assignment

numbered registration targets list page
  1. Go to Tools menu > Registration Targets

  2. Use the page controls to Filter

  3. and Sort the page as needed by clicking on the column headers

  4. To delete a registration target, select the entry with the Checkbox

  5. Click Delete

Registration Codes

A List of all Registrations Codes and their Active Status

This page is available to System Administrators

Each row represents a single Registration Code.

numbered registration codes list page
  1. Go to Tools menu > Registration Codes

  2. Enable or Disable a Code, select the entry with the Checkbox

  3. Click Enable Codes or Disable Codes

Registration Activations

A List of all instances of a registration code being used.

This page is available to System Administrators

Each row represents a single activation.

This list page can be exported.

numbered registration activation list page screen
  1. Go to Tools menu > Registration Activations

  2. Use this control to Export details