OWL Media Menu Help Page
Use the Media Controls to add images to your OWL Test.
Uploading Media Files
Use the Media Controls to add images to your test items.
Adding Individual Files
OWL Test Directions can include: 1 Image OR 1 Video, AND 1 Audio Prompt
Each OWL Section or Item may display: 1 Image OR 1 Video, AND up to 2 Audio Prompts
Each Multiple Choice Option may include: 1 Image
Images cannot be uploaded from any form of cloud storage
(iCloud, Dropbox, Google Drive, AWS OneDrive, etc. )
If this is the way you store your media files, you will need to:
1) download files to a local drive
2) upload files to OWL. TMS
Bulk Uploading Media Files
Images can be placed on Test Directions, Section headers, Items, or Multiple Choice Options
.png files are preferred, other file types are accepted such as: jpg, jpeg, bmp, gif, tif, svg
Any image should scale correctly if its aspect ratio is 4:3
Digital Camera Images are generally too large to be uploaded directly to web pages
We recommend using a photo editing program to scale and compress your files before uploading them to OWL.
Smaller files that do not have to be resized will improve the browser efficiency of your OWL Test for your examinees.
The maximum file upload size is 25 megabytes (MB)
It may occasionally take an extra moment to process a file. If your file is not immediately available to preview, please wait a minute and try again.
Please use the Media Editor to add images to your test items. OWL Tester will work most efficiently if images are uploaded using the media prompt field. While it is not strictly prohibited, it is NOT RECOMMENDED that test builders place images in the text prompt field.
Recommended Image Size
Test Directions (500 w X 375 h)
Section Directions (267 w X 200 h)
Oral Response Item (400 w X 300 h)
Cloze Item (400 w X 300 h)
Essay Item (400 w X 300 h)
Multiple Choice Item (267 w X 200 h)
Multiple Choice Option (120 w X 120 h)
Short Answer Item (400 w X 300 h)
Image Popup
Test takers can enlarge image prompts by opening them in a new window.
This can apply to Directions, Section Headers, and/or Item Image Prompts.
Ideal for detailed images such as correspondence or maps.
Cannot be applied to multiple choice selection options.
Open the Properties Editor of the desired target (Test, Section, Item)
Test - All Images on the Test Directions, Section Headers, and All Items
Section - Targeted Section Headers, and All Items in that Section
Item - Targeted Items Only
Set Test Properties Control Image Popup = “Yes”
Override the above settings to exclude a specific image by applying the following keywords:
Section - set Image Popup = “No” on specific Section(s)
Item - set Image Popup = “No” on specific Item(s)
Screen Wide Images
Images can be set to be the entire width of the given screen.
Using the expanded image feature may make the image expand off the screen vertically.
The examinee may be required to use the scroll bars.
Open the Properties Editor of the Item
In the Keywords Field enter: \sys:image_width_100\
Custom Image Scaling
If you choose to use this option, please be sure to carefully preview your test.
The new image size WILL change the layout of your items in OWL Tester.
Click on the property control of an Item.
In the Keywords Field enter: \sys:media_dimensions=wwwpx*hhhpx\
Where "www" is the desired width dimension and "hhh" is the height dimension
Some Tips:
The image will be scaled and adjusted with letter-boxing or pillar-boxing according to the image's limiting dimension.
You will have better results if you avoid image sizes that are extremely large or extremely small.
It is not recommended that the image dimensions be set in excess of the screen size. If they are, the image will be displayed with scroll bars.
If the images size is extremely small, the text area on certain items may be negatively affected. If the text area seems too small (compressed with scroll bars) you will want to use this text height keyword along with the image size keyword.
\sys:text_height=hhhpx !important\
Tips for using Videos in your OWL Test
Videos can be used on Test Directions, Section headers, or individual Items
For OWL Directions Items and OWL Oral Response Items, when there is no Text Prompt entered, the Video Prompt will be resized to be full screen.
Video files are processed when they are uploaded so that they may work in the OWL TMS.
The most current/popular video file formats work well: .mp4, .m4v, .mov, .avi, .flv
The maximum file upload size is 50 megabytes (MB)
It may take extra time to process a video file. If your file is not immediately available to preview, please wait a few minutes and try again.
The tester automatically adjusts by adding 'letterboxing' or 'pillarboxing' to the display area.
Tips for Uploading Audio
Most common audio file types are accepted
Uploaded audio files are processed through FFmpeg to ensure proper browser function
If your file is not immediately available to preview, please wait a minute and try again, it may still be processing.
The maximum file upload size is 50 megabytes (MB)
Good naming of your source files, will help you manage them within the OWL TMS
Audio Replay Settings
Total Replays on the Entire Test - use the Test Properties Control (1)
Limits the number of times the audio may be replayed during a testing session
Does NOT include Test Directions or Individual Direction Items
Does NOT override the limits set on the Section/Item Audio
(e.g., you can set the Total Replays on Test, and still limit the replays on an item to 0/1 times.)
Section Header Replays - use the Section Properties Control (2)
Applies ONLY to the audio that is placed on the specific Section header
Does NOT control the Items within the Section
Individual Item Replays - use the Item Properties Control (3)
Applies only to the audio that is placed on the individual Items
Possible Values:
Total Test Replays (1)
Limited = 0
Limited = user defined
Section Replays (2)
Limited = 0*
Limited = user defined
Item Replays (3)
Limited = 0*
Limited = user defined
* default settings
Audio Player Behavior
FIRST: User Audio File Plays (if present)
Only one User Audio Prompt can be attached to an OWL Item.
The User Language Audio will play regardless of the audio file's assigned language.
SECOND: Target Audio File Plays (if present)
If there is only one Target Audio, it will play regardless of the assigned language.
If there is more than one Target Audio, the prompt that matches the Assignment language will play.
If there is more than one Target Audio, and none matches the Assignment's language, nothing will play.
You can find more detailed descriptions here. [view]
The Audio player functions differently depending on what combination of the following settings you use:
Auto Play
Strict Mode \sys:audio_replay_strict_mode=yes\
Target Audio Feature
Great for SOPI-like assessments (simulated oral proficiency interview)
OWL users build their online test(s) once;
Create assignment with target language prompts in a variety of languages;
Then use that single test to evaluate all their World language students.
From the Test, Section or Item Builder, click on the Media Control
Upload or Drag and Drop the audio file from your computer
A popup box will appear, choose the language for the audio file and click OK
When creating the OWL Assignment, set the Target Language for the file you wish to play
Audio Player Interaction with Timers
Test Audio Prompts
Test level (directions tab) audio can never be auto played
Can always be replayed
Test timers will not start until the Start Test button is clicked
Test timers are never paused regardless of audio player behavior on Sections or Items
Auto Play Media = Yes
Section Timer will not begin or be displayed until the audio prompt has played for the first time
Section and Item timer will pause during Section audio replays
Section and Item timers will pause during Item audio replays
Test timers do not pause
Auto Play Media = No
Test, Section, and Item timers all display and begin immediately upon Start Test
Section and Item timer will pause during Section and Item audio initial play
Section and Item timer will pause during Section and Item audio replays
Test timers do not pause